
Lab guidelines

The use of the facilities of the Verona Experimental Laboratory in Economics is open to the researchers of the DSE at the University of Verona. To use the VELE facilities and/or the pool of potential participants, researchers must send a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. attaching a completely filled out Request Form. The authorization to use the lab is subject to approval of the two Directors of VELE, who will give a response within 15 days from the request.

All researchers running experiments at VELE must comply with the following guidelines.

  1. Not deceiving participants: all information given to the participants must truthfully describe the rules and procedures used in the experiment. Lying regarding any aspect of the experiment is forbidden.

  2. Paying a show-up fee of at least 2.50€: participants must receive a guaranteed minimum amount of money, independently of their performance and decisions in the experiment. The show-up fee must also be paid to potential “reserves” (namely subjects who are invited, but do not participate in the experiment), if they come on time.

  3. Avoiding behavior that has the potential to endanger the reputation of the laboratory to its subjects. This implies, amongst others, that recruitment of the participants must start when (i) the experiment is ready to be run, and (ii) the money for paying participants is available. Advertised experiments for which participants have been invited should not be cancelled nor should the advertised time/venue be changed.

  4. Obtaining the informed consent from the participants who come to the laboratory for the first time.

  5. Handing over the list of subjects who registered for the experiment to the Directors at the end of each session. The list must report the participants who registered but did not show up, those who showed up but did not participate, and those who actually participated in the experiment. This information is needed to maintain the participants pool data up to date.

  6. Acknowledging, in any report or article, that the experimental sessions were conducted in the Verona Experimental Laboratory in Economics. The Directors must be informed (via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) about any publication arising from data collected at VELE. Such a publication will be added to the list of publications based on experiments conducted at VELE.

  7. Reporting problems or suspected malfunctions to the Directors.